I have used iPAD for music recording/midi editing as well as software synthesizers much more often than my home studio hardware gears. Recently I switched my Samsung Android smartphone to iPhone. Although I love a Samsung phone very much, I decided to go back to the iPhone because I can use the iPhone for music playing and production.
I have tested multiple IOS synthesizers for EWI. Here are my top picks.
Yonac Magellan 2
- Filters are so smooth and well responsive to breath midi controller (cc #2)
- legato support, portamento, aftertouch
- excellent dynamic
- easy to use, easy to create patches
- free BC patch available at WX5 workbook Blog (mkirino01) http://wx5.blog2.fc2.com/blog-entry-426.html (Magellan 1 patches work in Magellan 2)
(You should be set the CC Map of Magellan.
PREFS --> CC/LEARN --> Synth1 --> Filter 2 --> Frequency
CC = 2 (or your breath controller's MIDI output CC No.)
Type = C)
* The synth above youtube is Magellan 1 (discontinued). This patch still works in Magellan 2.
2. Moog Model 2
- I love Moog Model D and its emulations such as Roland SE-02, Softube Model 72 syntheszie, etc.
- This gives beautiful expression from EWI playing including legato, portamento, LFO vibrato.
- Commercial EWI patches are available
3. Zeeon
- Sounding very nice.
- Easy to program
- free EWI patches available